Pi HW #2, Building a Jamband

After a long and arduous first 3 weeks of confusion, buy a hella ton of electronics I feel confident enough for my first project/thing of Raspberry Pi. To start we were tasked with creating a “thing” using the raspberry pi, two inputs, two outputs, and at least two node packages (aka libraries or code cheat sheets as it were). All this leaves now is the question of the thing… Quickly I was brought into the idea of a Jamband, aka Jukebox.

What initially inspired the idea of my jamband wurlitzer gig was the various musicians found in my walks both to and from Parsons everyday, an example is on the right. I want to see if I could recreate it at least on a simple scale model on raspberry, for now let us just call it my music box. Using my still growing knowledge of code I devised a three parts where inputs being buttons which then each will play a unique sound/note when pressed and from there also turns on a led connected to said button both creating something visual and acting as the confirmation (console.log) that everything is working POINTS!. More so one note is kinda drab and stupid so I’m taking it upon myself to do THREE of these sets, one for each of the band mates.

Physical Aspects

  •  Led’s – for lights to make something visual also acting as a visual confirmation
  • Speaker – to play the music generations from code
  • Button’s – for people to press and start playing the music beats they want

Digital Aspects

  • Node – cause JS is a lot easier to code over python, sorry but true
  • NPM onoff – package controller for GPIO led and buttons
  • node-aplay – music player and uploader

Ok so with plan in mind it is time to start building and after almost 6 hours in the lab I got the node, js, and packages along with general operations working at which point I DID IT. I MADE A LIGHT BLINK!!!! VICTORY! Ok, well sorta it’s definitely progress on a system I have had little to no experience with before and with a coding system I have had little to no experience before but I’m happy, that in truth is about a 1/3rd of my project right there. All I need to do right now is add the music, and string together another 2 sets and we are good to go.


Final Project

Pi HW #2, Building a Jamband

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