10.15.2015 Homework (Data with express)

This is our attempt to do homework where we send data from SENSOR –> RFDUINO –> RFDUINO –> RASPBERRY PI –> WEBSITE.

I worked with Shikha and Priyal. We have two hosts and one device. The device has 3 photoresistors that is sending data to the two hosts. The array that the host is receiving is [device2, RSSI, data from photoresistor1, data from photoresistor2, data from photoresistor3]

The 3 values of the photoresistors are being displayed on the web on the lefthand top corner, and the color of the background is changing depending on those three values that are being registered as r,g,b.

Below is a picture of Host2


Below is a picture of Device1


10.15.2015 Homework (Data with express)

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