Bedside Whisper (IoT Final)


Communication technologies have continued to dissolve the spatial proximity between people. Communication tools such as Skype, Phone call, and Facebook Messaging allow us to timeshift and connect with people in different time zones. However, removal of physicality often leads to miscommunication of feelings and thoughts, while blurry pausing unreality of video chat only makes you yearn for real-life interactions all the more. How can technology be used to augment human intimacy and communication amongst long distance relationships?

Concept statement:

“Bedside Whisper” aims to enrich long distance communication and relationships by creating a sense of physical presence of your loved one. The product is a pillow that records your voice and wirelessly sends the recording to a private website shared between you and your lover. Through the pillow, you can hear the bedside thoughts of your boyfriend/girlfriend whenever you want.


Screen Shot 2015-12-17 at 6.06.59 PM.png




Prototype 1:


Slide12 (original website)

After user testing, I realized three major things I needed to change:

1) Capacitive touch sensor to Force sensor since capacitive touch sensors were too sensitive and prone to error.

2) Add a girlfriend version so the pillows can talk to each other.

3) Improve the website so it feels more customized to the user and has security (log in and password)

Breakdown of tech components:


New tech flow:


I replaced the two capacitive touch sensors with 4 force sensors I made with capacitive foam and conductive thread. In order to use the force sensors and read their serial values, I added an Arduino for each Pi. I also added another raspberry pi to the existing boyfriend pillow to complete the couple. By using TCP network, I created a central server to store both pillows’ recording filepaths and push them to Parse database.

New Website:


The homepage now directs you to a screen with a log in and password so other people are prevented from hearing your secret recordings to your boyfriend/girlfriend.

Demo Video:

Bedside Whisper Video



(client folder is for the Girlfriend pillow and node-parse-backup3 if for the Boyfriend pillow)

Future Iteration:

Since I already created a network, now I can have the pillows talk to each other rather then sending the recordings to a website. Hence, one would hug the pillow to record and squeeze another spot to listen to your lover’s latest recording. I also want to add more features to the website such as product instructions and a profile setup page for couples to use.


Bedside Whisper (IoT Final)

IoT Midterm (Bedside Whisper) – Jasmine Oh

For IoT Midterm, I wanted to create a pillow that allows you to record your voice in bed and share your recordings with your loved ones online.

Here is the presentation deck:











Here is the link to the github folder:





IoT Midterm (Bedside Whisper) – Jasmine Oh

10.15.2015 Homework (Data with express)

This is our attempt to do homework where we send data from SENSOR –> RFDUINO –> RFDUINO –> RASPBERRY PI –> WEBSITE.

I worked with Shikha and Priyal. We have two hosts and one device. The device has 3 photoresistors that is sending data to the two hosts. The array that the host is receiving is [device2, RSSI, data from photoresistor1, data from photoresistor2, data from photoresistor3]

The 3 values of the photoresistors are being displayed on the web on the lefthand top corner, and the color of the background is changing depending on those three values that are being registered as r,g,b.

Below is a picture of Host2


Below is a picture of Device1


10.15.2015 Homework (Data with express)

Mail Art Then and Now Reflection

With the proliferation of Cloud Computing and Internet of Things, the notion of Mail Art and Correspondence Art, art that does not rely on one sole creator but evolves as different people contribute to the creation of the piece, offers so many new creative potentials. The process of one art being passed on and another artist reacting to the piece could now be done within seconds through emails or other messaging platforms. The time it takes to transport physical objects has also been reduced dramatically. Now, rather than Correspondence art, the name “Simultaneous Art” seems more relevant. Without having to wait days or even hours for mail to be transferred from one place to another, artists can simultaneously work together online and even physically. Think about text art (in the form of mail art) on a Google Doc where all the artists can write all at once. Through motion sensors or virtual reality simulators, we can now collaborate on one project while being physically separated by hundreds of miles. One example is the inFORM, a project created by The Tangible Media Group, which allows users to move 3D objects by controlling a pinscreen remotely ( The increase of crowd sourcing as an artist’s tool further propels the movement towards “Simultaneous Art.” Among the artists, Aaron Koblin, now the creative director of data arts at Google, most notably created The Sheep Market in 2006 using Mechanical Turk. (Refer to this article crowd-sourcing in art, The piece shows 10,000 sheep drawings of varying skill levels in 40 days, all drawn by workers who were paid two cents per sketch.

As shown from the examples above, Internet of Things and exponentially developing computing technologies introduce a myriad of new methods for creative collaboration. From these new possibilities springs the question: how are these new forms of art and art making shifting artist’s agency? In regards to Koblin’s The Sheep Market, could the workers paid to draw a single sheep also claim authorship of the final piece? According to the Koblin, the piece belongs to a “smarmy capitalist person who is selling the sheep drawings.” Designers in tech, especially, could not help but think about how our work fits in this world of collaboration. If we take lines of code from Codepen or use open source to fuel our designs, how creative are we really being?

Mail Art Then and Now Reflection