Aurelia -IoT Finals by Priyal Parikh

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Taking from the current problem of jellyfish blooms, Aurelia is a speculative design piece set in the year 2116, wherein the world is different from as we know it today. Global warming has reached its peak and weather conditions are at extremes. We have exhausted our natural resources. Also jellyfish have clogged our power plants, so our major sources of power do not exist anymore. With the oceans turning gelatinous, we do not have much of choice except for turning the problem into a solution. So we have Aurelia, a 22nd century smart home device that provides power to your houses with the click of a button and communicates with you through an interface like the phone. It also has its own network that brings world news to you faster than your newspaper. Not only does it provide power and news but also gives updates on the time, date, weather and food availability.

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Aurelia -IoT Finals by Priyal Parikh

HW5 – Device to host using rfduino

As part of learning to use the rfduino, in the first part, we used a given code to connect the button on the device’s circuit to the led on the host’s circuit.This included one host and one device.

In the second part of the activity, we tweaked the code to have 3 devices operating 3 LEDs on the host circuit. With each button connected to its corresponding colored LED, we created a fake traffic light. What would have to be improved is that only one light can be operated at one time.

HW5 – Device to host using rfduino

HW4 – Node-Serial

Having setup the pi and arduino using the logic level converter, the next step was to run the node-serial codes. The codes were available on github. In the first node-serial output, the led is blinking while displaying 0 and 1 on the screen. In the second part, the pin details from the arduino are displayed on the pi screen.

HW4 – Node-Serial

HW3: Sound, GPIO and led – input output

Learning how to use LED lights in class, I tried to combine them with sound. So I used the say.js and gpio.js packages to complete the assignment.

Say.js uses the Festival speech synthesis system, supported by Linux, to convert text defined in the code to sound. While GPIO controls the switching on and off of the LEDs.

I combined the two to show the changing of the lights. When the green light switches on, the pi says ‘Hi! Turning light green.’. Whereas, with the red light on, it says ‘Bye! Turning light red.’

A similar system is used at certain traffic light to notify blind pedestrians for crossing. The sounds they usually use are single chirp sounds or beeps. Below is a link from youtube to show how that works in reality.

HW3: Sound, GPIO and led – input output

HW1: Response to Mail Art History – The Fluxus Factor

The article was an introduction of correspondence art. I was not quite aware of the concept until I happened to the read the article. I realized that what started off as a medium of expression turned into a whole movement called the Fluxus movement. Reading on how post cards, artists’ postal stamps and rubber stamps became an art movement, I pictured how ideas are converted to actual practice.

The article demonstrates characteristics of true entrepreneurship. Even though the movement was spread across two continents, they identified a problem of displaying big pieces of art and solved it by using easily transportable options. They created the concept of ‘intermedia’ by bringing together expertise of multiple backgrounds and providing a public platform for communication of ideas. It was a small group that worked in a restricted environment to bring about a radical transformation in the world of art, creating a large network and establishing the need for interconnectedness.

The movement exhibits the power and importance of communication in a restricted manner. Ideas can be better implemented with limited resources as more alternatives can be created and simpler concepts can be put to use. All it took was one idea to change the way the world looks at art. Technology back then was as simple as the use of paper. Interconnectedness that began with postal technology has deepened and widened over the decades to create a parallel virtual world to our real one. It will take one more radical expression of art to absolutely blur lines between real and virtual as we progress through the decades.

HW1: Response to Mail Art History – The Fluxus Factor