Audrey and Alonso HW5 – Rfduino – Rfduino – RasPi – Server

All the work was accomplished in partnership with Audrey @foxa706

We started a few days after class to review the slides and try to accomplish the same results. Once we got communication between the host and device then, decided to use a potentiometer and show the data on the website. See below:

We also tried to use a photo resistor instead of the potentiometer to figure out if it would work the same way as the previous input. It did, but reading only one string of data (1-9), which is what we wanted. Then, Audrey came up with a concept that included an enclosure for our Pi. See below:

The concept was based on Halloween and the celebrations around the holiday. We wanted to use the photo resistor to control the light for our Jack O’ Lantern. The photo resistor would pass data to the LED’s depending on the amount of light being transmitted. At the same time, our data would also change the background of our site as well as the Jack O Lantern images to demonstrate the transformation between day and night.

Screen Shot 2015-10-14 at 10.33.57 PM  Screen Shot 2015-10-14 at 10.33.46 PM

Audrey and Alonso HW5 – Rfduino – Rfduino – RasPi – Server